Frodo Gets Cuddly

It may surprise many of you to learn that despite Frodo being a giant love bug and having a major passion for cuddling with his bro Zulu in front of the fire (and despite his fruitless efforts to snuggle with Amarula) he has only recently started to crawl in bed and cuddle in the early morning hours. He sometimes does a bit of cuddling at night before bed while I read but then he usually skedaddles as I fall asleep.

I am thrilled waking up to this adorable face!

FRODO: I love this together time but don’t you think you should start getting our breakfast ready?

AMARULA: Cute?!?! It’s disgusting! Don’t expect me to do any cuddling with that orange menace on the bed! I’m staying on the bedside table where it’s safe!

We’re doing the blog hop from Comedyplus!

19 thoughts on “Frodo Gets Cuddly”

  1. I always loved it when they cuddled with me in bed. I had one kitty that would go to bed when I did and sleep with me all night. I sure miss her.

    Your babies are adorable and I love Frodo’s cuddling and Amarula’s snarkiness.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  2. FRODO! It’s all your fault. I’ve just snorkle-sprayed all over my computer monitor the very second I clicked here at the total cuteness of you YOU! OMC. Couldn’t be any cuter. Now I have to sign off, clean up the laptop before visiting other blogs, sigh. As for Amarula, my June must be channeling lessons from you in how to avoid being a sweet girl … sigh again.

  3. Frodo, yoo iz so cute!! dee mum lovez waking up to find me snuggled against her in dee mornin, mostly i do it cuz it iz berry cold and dee heater has not kicked on yet and i can be there to know exactly when she iz gonna git up and git my breakiez.


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