ZULU: What are you doing Frodo? You’ve been staring at that swan for hours!
FRODO: I’m in love! I know the feeling is mutual cause she just can’t keep her eyes off me! She just keeps staring. She is dumbstruck with loooooooooove
ZULU: The word “dumb” might certainly factor in here…
FRODO: Isn’t she beautiful? She doesn’t say much but that’s OK cause we speak volumes with our eyes.
ZULU: And have your eyes noticed that that is mom’s cement swan? Cement, Frodo, aka not real!
FRODO: Zulu! How dare you accuse her of not being real and genuine! Our love is the real deal! Though I guess if I am honest, I have been feeling lately like things are not right between us…like there may be someone else…what’s that over there in the bushes…
FRODO: A chipmunk!! My heart is broken! I can never compete with a mammal with such full cheeks and gorgeous stripes!
ZULU: Then you definitely don’t want to know about the bunny that has been given her the eye!
Maybe if you can get the chipmunk and bunny to date, then you can have the swan all to yourself 🙂
FRODO: I love the way you think! Great idea!