AMARULA: I have spent the last week wisely gathering clues and spying on monitoring the suspects closely. Sadly, my attempts to question the potential perpetrators did not go as well as I had hoped…
As Zulu is the most timid cat in the household, I had thought getting him to break under my intense questioning would be easy. I was mistaken. Behind that timidity lies the fearlessness of a lion!
I cornered him in the cat condo and tried to get some answers as to where my toys could possibly be…
Nothing could shake the truth from him. No matter how I threatened and cajoled him he would not fold but merely laughed at my efforts!
SUSPECT #2 FRODO: I got Frodo alone on several occasions and gave him the old stink eye! I was sure he would wither and cave under my menacing stare but he would not be broken!
I even tried an old-school beat down to get him to talk but nothing worked!
He, like Zulu, only laughed at my efforts to get him to talk. Oh the inhumanity!!
SUSPECT #3 VERA the Hairless One:
This mini human is either insanely clever or dumb as a lamp post. I tried to question her but she merely drooled and then spat up on me. She is inscrutable.
SUSPECT #4, 5 and 6 Odin the Dog, the Raccoons and the Squirrels:
Sadly, Odin and his raccoon and squirrel crew were nowhere to be found. They have escaped justice for now! Though frankly I believe the group of them just doesn’t have enough brain power to have pulled off such a heist as stealing all my toys! Alas dear readers, this leaves me in the unenviable position of admitting to you that I have failed. I am just going to go have a long nap now.
I simply do not know who stole my playthings! I fear we shall never know…hey, has anyone seen Frodo around lately…
uh….we did see frodo….but now we due knot see him with ANY toyz ….coz R eyes R shut while we type !!
FRODO: Thanks for not ratting me out guys! I closed my eyes when I stole the toys so I think that means I didn’t really steal them!!
I still think the dog did it. 🙂