Christmas Comes Late (…or very early) and It’s Great!

We participated in Secret Paws for the first time this year and unfortunately (through no fault of our wonderful Secret Paws gift-giver Pawesome Cats— the gifts were coming all the way from Australia! It says on the package they were mailed end of Nov on one part of the package and the other says…get this…Sept 9, 2015…I think the Australian postal service might need some help…either that or they have the ability to go back in time!!) they arrived just a teensy, weensy, itsy bit late. But the wait was worth it! See for yourself…Yeah Christmas in March!

FRODO: A package for us!? This is so exciting. First we win the St. Patty’s Catnip Mat from 15andMeowing and now this!? What a week!

ZULU: It sure smells good!

AMARULA: Now just wait a minute! Why is this addressed to ALL of us. Surely you two nincompoops can’t be deserving of Christmas presents!

AMARULA: Well I will admit the gifts were beautifully wrapped and came with a lovely card (again, shamefully addressed to Zulu and Frodo as well as myself. I mean really…I don’t even think those two can even read!) It says “Wishing you a happy Christ-mouse from the Pawesome Cats Charlie, Max, Ava, Amber and Mom Tracy!”

AMARULA: It was wonderful!!! Look at all this stuff!

AMARULA: It came with these great snacks!

AMARULA: …and the most colorful, cutest toys we’ve ever seen!

AMARULA: Look how pretty those toys are!! We loved them.

AMARULA: Seriously…I don’t really have to share do I?

AMARULA: Frodo quickly made off with one of the toys and promptly fell asleep with it in his paws!

AMARULA: Of course, fatty Frodo also tried to steal all the Kangaroo treats but I put a stop to that! I have never seen these giant mice called “Kangaroos” but I can indeed attest to their deliciousness! (Seriously we loved them so much that I saw the human checking to see if they –or any form of kangaroo treat– is available in Canada and sadly they are not!!). As soon as we get our feline passports we are all flying down to Australia to thank you personally Pawesome Cats–make sure to have lots of those giant hopping mice treats in supply!

Many Many thanks from all of us! This was the best Late/Very Early Christmas Gift Ever! Thanks Pawesome Cats! You live up to your name! And a HUGE thank you to Paula at Sweet Purrfections for organizing Secret Paws!

We are joining Comedy Plus Awww Monday Blog Hop

23 thoughts on “Christmas Comes Late (…or very early) and It’s Great!”

  1. guyz…total lee awesum prezent for sure; it waz werth de wait …N joy de treetz N toyz
    ….we noe ewe will, N for what itz werth…it taked sum thin we sended dam neer two
    weekz ta go cross like 4 statez…if……coz de goodz sat in de postal hub with out moovin for
    7 dayz….we waz buzzed glad we dinna ship fresh perch ~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  2. Christmas is good any time of the year. Frodo with the fish in his paws is pretty dang cute. Enjoy your goodies. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  3. I am glad you finally got your package, I will never complain about the USA mail again. We have never tried kangaroo. glad you are loving it. Everything looks great.

  4. It’d would have been quicker if a kangaroo had bought it all the way from Oz in its pouch! And then you could have welcomed it by eating it Amarula. We think Frodo was very glad to grab a mousie. Awesome gifts. Happy Christmas!

    Oh, and you are welcome to visit Finland after your kangaroo hunt Amarula. Just let us know when you are coming and we’ll prepare the Witches’ Suite: you can bunk in with Aila and Roosa. hehehehe.

  5. The pictures with all three of you are my favorites (of course, Bear’s favorites are of Amarula by herself). Looks like the three of you made short work of the package! Though we can’t help but agree that Amarula should be the boss of who gets what … as is only right for a tortie of her fabulousness 😉

  6. What a pawsum package. Christmas is good any time of da year. We’d like it ifin it was every month. We’ve never had kangaroo, but those sure look yummy. We told mommy to check ’round and see ifin she can find us any. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  7. We’re glad you got to celebrate a late Christmas. What nice presents you received. Reminds us of when Lorenza was blogging, and her presents didn’t arrive in Mexico until March or April.

  8. We’re very happy that your Christmas package arrived, clearly time travel was the cause of the delay! I’m glad the kanga treats were a hit, our guys eat kangaroo as part of their regular diet and it’s always popular.


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