AMARULA: As you may or may not know, the human and I often go for walks around the neighborhood. She thinks I follow her because I like her and want to hang out. Little does she know that I actually want her nearby in case an errant dog decides to chase me. I figure the human makes a tastier morsel for a dog than little ole me! Besides, I get a lot of pleasure at seeing all the neighbors point at the crazy cat lady who walks her cat!
Anyway, on our latest walk I met a boy! I am as shocked as you are dear reader! How could a loan wolf like me who even refuses to be nice to the two clowns (aka Frodo and Zulu) sharing her home possibly open her heart to a boy!? I am still not sure what his intentions are but things seem promising…
AMARULA: It began like any other day…the human and I were going for a stroll
AMARULA: When suddenly I noticed the faint fragrance of tomcat in the air. I look up and see this striking male specimen. He is one cool cat!
AMARULA: Not knowing if he is friendly or not, I try to stealthily tip-toe away…
AMARULA: But he seems friendly and invites me up to share his perch.
AMARULA: He beckons me forward.
AMARULA: But I am no easy catch! I indulge in that classic love game of cat-and-mouse and play hard to get. I look away…
AMARULA: Well, is he looking??
AMARULA: Now I give him my haughtiest over-the-shoulder glance
AMARULA: Finally, the coup de grĂ¢ce. I show him I feel indifference to his courting by feigning a nap on his sidewalk. Yet my slightly exposed belly suggests my affections may yet be won over! I can’t wait until the human and I go for our next walk to see where this may lead! Is love in the air??
hole lee cod on breaded filetz…….we troo lee hope love iz in de air;
we N joyed thiz post two day amarula~~~~~~~~~~ N yes, yur soot urr
iz quite de handsum fellow ♥♥♥♥♥
AMARULA: Glad you liked it! We go on our first date soon!
He is very handsome and was definitely checking you out. I am surprised you don’t have a dozen boys chasing after you.
AMARULA: I am gorgeous aren’t I??!