Biltong has Feline Kidney Disease


BILTONG: Mom noticed that I was drinking a lot of water recently so she took me to the vet to get a check-up and it turns out I haveĀ  kidney disease. I am only three years old! Mom is very sad and finds it hard to talk about cause the doctor said it was already very advanced and I must have been born with very bad kidneys. So I am sleeping a lot now and mom is giving me subcutaneous fluids every two days.

co-worker close up

billy twisted 2

I don’t like the fluids at all and find it hard to stay still so mom can’t get a photo of me but she did take a photo of how funny I look after I get the fluids. Mom says they make me look very muscular and chesty!
fluds billy

Even though I am not feeling at my best I still find the energy to chase balls with my brother Zulu:
chase pompoms

Even Amarula is feeling sorry for me and is letting me hang out with her!

So send out positive vibes everyone!

4 thoughts on “Biltong has Feline Kidney Disease”

  1. I am so sorry to hear that. I too have a kitty with severe kidney disease and have him on Sub Q fluids, we will have been doing this for 3 years coming up here shortly which amazes our Vet who only gave him 3 months when this started. Hang in there and I hope the Sub Q fluids help him as much as they have helped our baby.


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