A Plethora of Presents: Fashionable Christmas Felines!

The cats are still waiting for their Secret Paws gift to arrive (so there are still some gifts to unwrap!) but so far their favorite seems to be a festive sweater their aunt (a veterinarian) gave the kitties! Apparently a talented vet tech at her work makes them!

Frodo loved its cozy warmth!

Even Amarula seemed to tolerate it!

AMARULA: Christmas sweaters?! I’m against them (although I guess I can admit it is comfy…but don’t tell anyone I said that!)

ZULU: Naturally, I wear it best! Hope everybody had great holidays!

20 thoughts on “A Plethora of Presents: Fashionable Christmas Felines!”

  1. Ya’ll look pawsum in dat sweater. And da sweater is bootyful. Glad ya’ll had a wonderful Christmas. Purresents are pawsum anytime, and ifin it makes Christmas last longer, all da better, right?. 🙂 Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena


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